Ryan suggested I paint the girls beds a dark color. I am wishing I had painted them white. I told Ryan I was going to repaint and he wouldn’t let me. I hope they look fantastic in the room, then I wont feel so bad about painting them dark.
I got Emma’s down to her room and realized these beds are wider than a twin, I don’t know if old beds were wider or what? But the box springs just fell through.
I had Ryan weld some plates in between the rails to hold the bed up.
That should do the trick, I hope!
I don’t want to haul it all the way downstairs and then back up again one more time!
It’s a good thing Ryan likes to weld, and work hard, even for my crazy wild ideas! Emma’s bed should be done. This was the easy bed, Ashley’s is going to take some real creativity to get in working order! YIKES!